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Plant the Gospel - Gospel-centered Worship


We exist to make the name of Jesus great that God may plant the seed of faith in the hearts of unbelievers. Our celebration gatherings (including singing, prayer, preaching, and giving) are all centered on and point to Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the Cross, planting the Gospel seed that God may produce the harvest of new believers while simultaneously edifying those whose hearts belong to Him.​

The Mission: Plant, Grow, Mature, Multiply

Plant - Grow - Mature - Multiply


We exist to bring God glory by loving one another and making disciples through Gospel-centered worship, Gospel-centered fellowship, Gospel-centered discipleship, and Gospel-centered multiplication.


Multiply Disciples - Gospel-centered Multiplication


We exist to spread the Gospel throughout the Earth, to be disciples that make disciples, that make disciples, that make churches. We lean into the Holy Spirit's promptings to take the Gospel wherever He sends us, making His Mission - to make His name known throughout the world by proclaiming His excellence to the lost, least, and left behind - our singular focus, the reason for our existence, for His glory.


Mature Faith and Service - Gospel-centered Servanthood


We exist to surrender our lives to God that He may cycle the Gospel through our minds, our hearts, and our hands. We hold Bible Studies and special topic seminar series that continue the Jesus conversation, teaching us the depths of the Gospel and how to apply those to living a life in pursuit of God in delight of Him and His people. We are taught Christ that we may share Christ.​


Grow Community - Gospel-centered Fellowship


We exist to be one body in Christ in life. We actively participate in fellowship with one another to increase the bonds of friendship and brotherhood between one another as God intends, one family under God through faith in Jesus Christ.​

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